Friday, August 30, 2019

32 Weeks

And I think it's starting to get crowded in there. Lately I've been feeling a human foot pressing into my diaphragm, digging under my rib cage. I'm not sure how this is going to last for two whole more months, Succotash.

Can you believe that after six years, we are down to the last eight weeks of no Succotash?

Eight weeks. That's nothing.

Had an anxious day yesterday for reasons I can't entirely explain to myself, but it involved waking up from a dream that I was in a rock band playing bass and we were about to go onstage and I hadn't practiced. I didn't know any of the songs we were going to play, and the guitarist wouldn't even show me a set list. I awoke just as I was begging her to at least tell me what keys the songs were in so that I could try to fake it.

A pretty transparent anxiety/lack of preparation dream, though it's funny that I should be so upset by dreaming about something so unimportant in my life. I mean, who listens to the bass line in rock songs anyway?

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