Monday, August 9, 2021

Twenty Two Months

Almost 2! And feeling your toddler oats a bit. But last night you finished eating your dinner - with your own spoon - climbed down to look at your book, pointed at a picture of a traffic light, and said "Stop." We told you yes, that's right, and you said "Car. Stop."

Your dad has concluded you are a genius. And I think rightly so. 

I don't know how tall you are, but your uncle Eli remarks on it every time he comes over, and he comes over every week. You are well over three feet, but we won't learn how far over three feet until your 2 year old appointment.

You love "hops," which are bunny rabbits, and you have a couple of stuffed ones and also a ride-on that was sent to you by my old whinnie horse before he had to "move to a pasture." You like to put your feet on the front wheels and feel them roll along your soles. You also love to play car in the breakfast table (just like I did, and apparently just like Grandpa did). Actually you love to play car anywhere. Car! You love cars. 

You love Mr. Rogers still, and now ask to read the same Mr. Rogers book about making friends over and over and over again before you fall asleep. Last night you wanted to put your own pajama pants on, and only needed a little help. I was very proud of you. I'm also delighted that you have gotten good at saying "help" in addition to signing it. Your brain is clearly processing a lot of speech, as the past couple of nights you have actually talked in your sleep - not just "mama" but also "help" and "hop" and "sit."

We have three more weeks at Harborlight, which is staggering to me. We are rushing headlong into the future.

Yesterday we drove into Boston to see some friends in the Public Garden and you were enthralled by the tall buildings, pointing out the window, waving at the people in the street, saying "hi!" "Building!" "Tall!" You were interested in the park - "pool!" you said when you saw the duck pond - and you coveted the silly balloon hats people were selling. You and I shared some soft serve - you had chocolate, I had vanilla, and we went back and forth trading licks. Watching your wonder at a world outside of Marblehead made me feel a bit better about what lies in store when we go back to New York. I am afraid, but I find courage in seeing that you are unafraid of anything. 

My brave baby.

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