Thursday, July 29, 2021

More words!

 "I sit," sometimes announcing that you will perch on this stool or this stair step. 

"Mama sit," patting the kitchen stool next to your tower so that I will sit by you while you have a snack.

"I tired!" Repeated last night in the shower after a long day playing at school, and then at the pool, and then riding in the launch to pick me up at Menage after a Wednesday night sailboat race. I loved seeing you both in the boat coming to get me. You were surprised to find me on a sailboat in the middle of the harbor, but only mildly.




"Ah-er" (otter, for the little stuffed animal that has joined us in the big bed the past several weeks. Sometimes Otter also needs nursing, and you will hold him up to one boob while you are on the other, and it is basically the cutest thing possible.)





"Iss Uth" (Miss Ruth, our neighbor)

"E-i" (Uncle Eli)

"Enny" (Jenny, Eli's girlfriend)

"Bine" (Brian, your godlessfather)

"In-gee" (Ginger, your godlessmother)

"Chas" (Charles!)



"Goggles" (!)


Signs for "please" and "thank you," largely when prompted. Also putting dirty clothes in the hamper with great excitement. 

Jumping up with two feet together, and finding things to jump off of as practice for the "bi bo" (big board, the diving board at the swimming pool)

Though general term of approval is still "Guck," which we joke means "Good AF"

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