Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Oh my gosh, Succotash, yesterday you didn't have a single accident. Holy guacamole. It's only been a week! And that's with both sets of grandparents here, and a hurricane (well, sort of), and also you have a raging sinus infection, poor baby, which is doing no favors for your sleep. 

I could not be more proud of how hard you are working. You are my determined little person. I am so proud and impressed with your ability to make your mind up about something and then drive yourself to do it. 

Right now I'm supposed to be writing a novel while you play at the beach with your dad and Manamana and Pop Pop (you have rechristened Manamapa and he's really taken to it), but I wanted to take time to note your success.

You can also count to three, and sometimes four.

You have also taken to saying, halfway through nursing, "other side," and then switching boobs.

Also "I helpful" when you put your blocks away.

Your pediatrician in Marblehead, who Daddy and I like to joke enjoys starting with the worst case scenario ("here's why it could be nose cancer") before working his way back to "he has a cold," asked you where your other ear was, and you said "Here" and pointed. Then he asked how many ears you had, and you said "two." He was pretty impressed.

"He's talking more," your dad informed him.

"I should say so!" said Dr. Shin. 

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