Wednesday, January 30, 2019

And Still More Awful

Nausea. And not the existential kind.

It's hard to know what's going on, as I just finished three days of antibiotics to get rid of a UTI, on top of these stim meds. But for whatever reason, today I feel sick, sick, sick. I haven't actually been sick, but I've also only managed coffee with milk and an egg white. And a fistful of supplements. Which I am now washing down with anti-anxiety tea.

I have canceled a work lunch.

Monitoring in an hour and a half.

I mean, on the up side, I haven't put on as much weight this week as I expected to. So. Not eating has its advantages, I guess?

I have some ramen soup to try after my appointment is over, when I have crawled home again. But the fatigue is something else again. I'm too tired to watch TV. How is that even possible?

A friend points out that I'm just feeling badly, and I shouldn't let my upsetness at feeling badly feel worse than feeling badly. Which is good advice, as he rightly identifies my discomfort and anger with feeling out of control of my body, and how I feel.

Also, I've lost a contact lens in my eye.

This isn't a very good blog entry, is it. Oh well. Too late now.

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