Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Babble Fish

A couple of times now you have made a noise that sounds something like "mmaammooo" while looking up at me, but it was generally in the context of other babblings, and so I haven't taken it all that seriously. And twice now you have said "Up" to me upon waking up in the morning, and though I tried to reinforce it by saying "do you want up? Up?" before picking you up, or responding to your apparent desire to be lifted, it hasn't quite recurred in a way that is unambiguous.

But last night, as you and I were sitting together on the bed, your father emerged from the bathroom. You saw him, grinned, and then - with no other babble - said "Da'!"

"Did you hear that?" your dad exclaimed.

I did hear it.

Then, this morning, you and I were up early. I am in the habit of giving you kitchen implements to play with in your high chair while I make coffee and unload the dishwasher - your favorite is a whisk paired with a plastic Tupperware for mouthing and beating. When these items fall to the floor, as they often do, I say "uh oh!" for your benefit and return them to the tray of your high chair.

Today, you were hanging out in your playpen, playing with a small rattle. You shook it downward, hard, looked at me, and said "uh oh!" Then you shook the rattle again, and said it again.

I tried to get you to repeat it for a video, but you were too shy.

I realize this is all confirmation bias, but even so - the idea that you will one day speak is mind-boggling to me. We've lived with a dog for sixteen years and are accustomed to reading his needs and opinions independent of language. It's what we have been doing with you, too. But, soon......

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