Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Two Months

You are asleep in our bedroom, where we moved your bassinet after the Duraflame smoke log fiasco of Thanksgiving 2019, but which wound up being a good thing. We are slowly figuring out how to help you get onto a sleep schedule.

It's hard, when you are asleep. I miss you, and find myself looking at pictures of you even though you are just in the next room.

You have started looking in our eyes, and smiling when you see us. You hold your head up, but you still wobble back and forth and sometimes while rooting plant your face in my neck, or against my cheek or my lips, a wild baby kiss.

I sometimes tear up reading you board books as we camp out on our whale-patterned blanket.

You are chubby of chin and kicky of feet, and you find tummy time frustrating because all you want to do is move and you can't quite, yet. But you will.

Very, very soon.

And that is how things stand on this, your two month birthday.

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