Tuesday, September 11, 2018


So you know that thing where you have sex with your husband and it's sort of chafey but okay, and then it's still sort of warm and irritated for two days afterwards and you start worrying that you have secretly been a carrier for chlamydia for twenty years and it's just now flaring up because of stress and your husband will leave you in a rage and your life will be over so in a fit of neurosis you go to the urgent care place to get checked out and when the warm and friendly nurse practitioner asks what else has been going on and you tell her you're about to head into your fourth round of IVF and it's awful and a complete living nightmare and she says oh I know my sister did it, it was terrible, and gives you Kleenex and assures you it's totally okay to bawl all over her in her office?

That's where I'm at today.

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