Sunday, March 18, 2018

And So It Begins

 Stims day 3, Night Sweat edition. I woke up in the middle of the night soaked. Dripping. I had to get up and towel off and change pajamas. My eyemask was soaked.

Also worrying, as Day 2 baseline ultrasound showed a follicle on the left that was already 8 mm. I asked if I was at risk for another dominant follicle cancelled cycle.

"We only worry if it's over 10," said attending, surprised as usual that I was asking questions at all.

Next scan not til Wednesday, but you know my prediction. You heard it here first, Succotash.

Though by all means, feel free to surprise me, you wily hypothetical person, you.

On an unrelated note, I had squirreled away surplus meds in flagrant violation of Federal law to give to a friend from high school who works in the arts, like me, but who has no insurance coverage. Do you have any idea how much these meds cost out of pocket? It's fucking staggering. It's many thousands of dollars. So I gave her my stash, and she's got a good five follicles going, possibly heading into retrieval on Wednesday.

If she's successful, I've made her promise her kid will come visit me in the home.

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