Thursday, September 22, 2022

Yesterday and Tomorrow

 You now have a concept of time. When you mean to indicate something in the past, you will generally say it happened yesterday (though not always. I have heard you characterize something has happening "a long time ago.") 

"I wore this sweater yesterday, in the picture for school!" you said this morning when I put you in your charming sailboat sweater vest. You haven't worn it since last spring, whenever it was last cool enough. 

Similarly, things that might occur in the far distant future - perhaps things you want to put off indefinitely - will happen "tomorrow." 

"Succotash, do you want to go on a walk to the library?" I asked after school the other day.

"No," you said. "We can do that tomorrow."

"Succotash, do you need to go to the bathroom?"

"No, Mommy, I just went yesterday."

Also the other day we were snuggling as you were waking up from nap. I kissed your sweet flaxen hair, which is so soft against my lips that I often nuzzle you while you are sleeping just so that I can feel it, and I whispered "You're my Succotash."

"I'm not a succotash, I'm a Charles," you informed me. 

"Are you just a little bit my succotash?" I asked, borrowing one of your big negotiation strategies.

"No," you insisted. "I'm a Charles!"

Yes, but yesterday, you were my Succotash wish, sweet Charles. 

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