Thursday, July 14, 2022


Yesterday you came dashing in the door from Montessori shouting "Mommy I have a treasure map!" You had drawn it at school, and you excitedly showed me which part was land and which part was water, and wondered if I would go on the water part in my boat (it was a sailing night). "I need my treasure hat!" you bellowed. I love how serious you are about hats these days. Every enterprise must have its own proper hat, be it firefighting or baseball or construction work or being a "horse rider." You hurried to the front porch to retrieve your treasure hat, aka your red scooter helmet with your name and "Mayhem" on the back, picked up a blue sandbox shovel, and hurried outside with your dad and grandparents.

A few minutes later, you burst into the kitchen to present me with the treasure you had found - a mostly deflated white balloon from our July 4 party. "It's a diamond, mama!" you said, with your excited-mouth open smile that love and want to smother with kisses whenever I see it. 

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