Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Day

 You are at school after growing a new molar and powering through your second cold, and where you reportedly know all the other children's names and all the teachers' names too. You have started identifying other mamas and daddies and babies in your books, and other dogs like your dog, and you know which are the chickens and the cows and the horses and pigs for your play farm, and you have discovered that letters actually stand for something, and we think maybe you have put together that your name has something to do with the letter C.

And while you were at school, Biden and Harris were sworn in, and the long national nightmare might... maybe.... be over.

Your father and I still feel tense and afraid. I hope you haven't noticed. All I want in the world is for you to feel safe.

For you to be safe.

All I want in the world.

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