Thursday, February 13, 2020


Hello Succotash, who sleeps in his Snoo in the bedroom while I inhale takeout from the good Chinese place that your father doesn't like.

Your father and I met twenty one years ago yesterday. That means that, as of today, he and I have now known each other longer than we have not known each other, in our entire lives. How wild is that?

Wilder still? We have only known you for four months and change. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is no time at all. We've known the dog for fifteen years. Fifteen! You're just a Johnny-come-lately.

And yet, I also feel like I have known you for my entire life.

I miss you when you are asleep in the other room.

Is it a kind of narcissism, the obsession most parents seem to have for their babies? Maybe. But instead of pathologizing it, I prefer to give myself to it completely. You are asleep in my bedroom. I have known you for mere minutes, relative to how long I have known your father, or your dog, or myself. But I miss you.

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