Saturday, February 8, 2020

Four Months

Today we loaded you into your K'tan carrier and took you on your very first subway ride. We took the express up to Demolition Depot looking for old French doors to use to build your bedroom wall.

You fell asleep for a bit on my chest, with my hand propping up your soft sleeping cheek. Looked at light fixtures for the house you don't know you also live in. Then took the train home and decided to stop in at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central, where we had fresh, grilled, and fried oysters and you stared in wonder at your dad's martini and spent much of the meal contemplating a spoon. Your first, if I'm not mistaken.

Right now you are asleep in the bedroom, with slightly cold ears so I have turned up the heat. For some reason today was one of the first days where it felt normal, that you are here. That you are part of our everyday life.

And that is how things stand on this, your four month birthday.

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