Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Six Week Fairytale

Once upon a time, about six weeks ago, in the goblin underkingdom far away, a tiny prince was born. He was little and pink and perfect.

One day his nurse carried him to the riverbank in a basket made of woven vines. She laid the basket on the riverbank and then she lay down to take a nap under a knotty rooted tree.

The nurse slept for a very long time. Night was beginning to fall on the goblin underkingdom. The goblin prince awoke and opened his eyes and looked around, but no one was there. He was too little to climb out of his basket made of vines, so he waved his arms to get attention. The goblin prince was hungry.

Fortunately, his waving arms caught the attention of a passing dragonfly. She saw that the baby prince needed help. So she buzzed down and picked up the basket made of woven vines and carried the goblin prince up into the night sky, dodging among the twinkling stars.

She flew for a very long time.

Then finally, the dragonfly laid the basket to rest at the back door of an old apartment building in midtown Manhattan. In this old apartment building lived a man and a woman who had wanted a baby for a very long time.

The doorman found the basket of woven vines with what he thought was a human baby inside. "I know just who this delivery is for," said the doorman.

He took the goblin prince up in the elevator to the thirteenth floor and rang the bell.

And that's where our baby came from.

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