Friday, September 20, 2019

Some People

Scene: In the elevator taking Dog Guac out for his morning constitutional. Dramatis personae: Me, elevator operator, Dog Guac.

Elevator stops and a couple get on. I know the wife, as we tangled on the lobby committee last year. She has been snooty to me. I decide to take the high road.

Me: Hi! So did y'all have a nice summer?

Snoot Wife, brightly: Hi! Oh yes, thank you! How about you?

Me, polite laughter, gesturing to round self under large college sweatshirt: Well, you can see what we were up to, ha ha.

SW: Oh yes! You must have had a fun summer.

Snoot Husband: Or a very fun spring!


SH: You know, cause.... I mean....

Me: shocked, deadly silence

SH, clapping elevator operator on the back: All right, thanks Victor.

End scene.

What I wish I'd said: You know, I've been a woman my whole life, so I'm used to men I don't really know making jokes about my sexuality. But I'm here to tell you, there's nothing fun about IVF, and it was actually a pretty tough spring. Have a nice day!

In other news, 35 weeks today. Two weeks to induction. Almost there.

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