Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today I have:

1. been diagnosed with gestational hypertension and told I can no longer travel and also - ta da! - I can expect to be induced at 37 weeks, which is two weeks from Friday

2. Canceled the talk I was supposed to give Thursday in a different state, together with the train tickets and misc other stuff I was supposed to accomplish whilst there

3. Informed all grandparents of accelerated schedule, and made inquiries for a guest room for my parents as their usual place is full

4. Not decapitated my husband over the telephone as I explained why yes, it is imperative he attend the last OB appt before my induction so we can ask questions, and yes, he must cancel the talk he is scheduled to give in a different city the day after that appointment, because I COULD BE HAVING A FUCKING BABY AND WHO CARES ABOUT A STUPID TALK I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GOING TO MURDER HIM IN HIS SLEEP

5. walked the dog

6. made myself a healthy and delicious dinner

7. announced cancellation of talk on professional social media outlets

8. informed collaborator of new situation and shared various in-process chapter drafts with him so he may work while I am out of commission if he so chooses

9. informed editor of progress with collaborator and of change in schedule due to high risk pregnancy situ

10. hoped desperately not to be fired from collaboration, which they have the contractual right to do even though it would be tacky as fuck

11. pointed out to self that stressing about getting fired is PROBABLY BAD FOR HYPERTENSION

12. said "fuck it"

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