Thursday, November 1, 2018

Things that are Much Worse, Objectively Speaking, Than Never Having a Baby



Becoming paraplegic

My husband dying in a terrible accident

Me dying in a terrible accident

My parents dying in a terrible accident

Climate change

Heroin withdrawal

Sex trafficking

Dying in a plane crash like that sweet boy I went to high school with

Dying of the flu like my friend R did two years ago for no fucking reason

AIDS, even with all the new drugs they have now

Having a fascist government seize your home and belongings and put you in camps


Lou Gehrig's disease

Any wasting disease, really


Chronic hunger

Being kidnapped and forced to play flute for the Khmer Rouge while the other children around you are executed one by one, and then escaping to the jungle and watching what the monkeys eat in order to learn how to survive

Being hideously disfigured such that you cannot recognize yourself

Having to be on dialysis forever

Having a brain tumor that changes your personality forever

Losing the ability to read or speak

I mean, really, this is a long fucking list when you get right down to it. Maybe I should add to it every day until I realize once again that my life is awesome.

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