Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 This morning you woke up early. We are starting to wean, I think. You've been able to fall asleep after nursing but without boob in mouth the past couple of nights, and when you wake in the night for nursing you accept chocolate milk (actually a kids protein nutrition shake pretending to be chocolate milk) and go back to sleep. This morning you nursed around 6 am, and by 6:30 you were leaning your elbows on your dad and saying "What did you dream about, Daddy?"

Your dad mumbled something incoherent, because we usually wake with the alarm at 7:15.

"I dreamed about a platypus bowling," you said.

"You....what?" I said.

"Bowling. It's a game where you roll a special ball down a lane and knock over pins. Bowling."

"You dreamed about a platypus bowling?" I repeated.

You laughed with delight. "Yes! It's what I think about whenever I hear thunder."

You fell asleep for a bit in the car on the way to Montessori, and you didn't eat enough breakfast, after yesterday wolfing down everything that came within arm's reach. I asked you if you were growing. 

"Yes," you said. "I eat a lot of food and then I grow, and grow, and grow, and grow, and grow."

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