Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Some recent remarks

 Last night, in bed reading books, apropos of nothing:

"I used to be an old old old timey shoemaker."

"You did?"

"Yes. I used to sew half a side of shoes by hand. It took me a long long time and I wanted to go home. Then my friend came to work with me and I was happy. Now I'm not an old timey shoemaker anymore."

"What are you now?"

"Now I'm a fancy shoemaker."

[This conversation has led me to assume that our house is haunted by a cordwainer, FYI. But your dad thinks you've been reading too many Early American Trades coloring books before bed.]

And last week, some remarks on my outfit for a holiday party:

"Mama, what's that black stuff on your eyes? Your eyes look different."

"Don't worry, it will wash right off."

"How will you wash it off?"

"With soap."

"Can you wash it off right now?"

[Then, a few minutes later....]

"Mama, if you wear your pointy shoes in the street you're going to punch holes in it."

[And finally.....]

"Mama, your boobs look like they're trying to get out of your dress."

Thursday, December 8, 2022

December Notes


Me: "May I kiss your tummy?"

You: "No. My body is mine!"

Me: [inane comment]

You: "Mama, you have to raise your hand."

[Built this City by Starship playing on the car stereo]

You: "Do Muppets live here? This is a Muppets cleaning song!"

Me: "Ooh, did you bring home a new library book?"

You: "Yes! It's Dragons Love Tacos. We have it in New York, and puz we don't know when we can get it back from New York I got one from the library puz Dragons Love Tacos is a good sleepy book."

"Puz" is how you're pronouncing "because" these days.

Also, lots of "perhaps." As in "Perhaps I was a good knight, puz I was wearing armor."

Recent costume personas: "Bad magician," "Good knight," "Bad knight," "Money Charles" [playing with poker chips to set up a pretend bank in the passage between the dining room and living room], "Sailing kid"

Recent pleasurable activities: Going to "the place where you take your shoes off" (i.e. Marblehead Parenting Center), going to "the car playground" (in Beverly, has a car climber), going to "the boat playground" (Dane Street playground in Beverly; twice we've met a sweet 6 yo named Jacoby and had really fun playtimes with him and his 2 yo sister Sadie), dinner at Maddie's to which you ride your scooter, new monkey swing in the cherry tree in the garden, babysitting with Abby (You, wistfully: "I love her.")

Recent challenges: trying to adjust to the idea of weaning. We've dropped the after school nurse, but you're still REALLY into it at bedtime, and in the morning. I'm worried that we'll have to go cold turkey, with me going out of town for a few days, which will be tough for everyone. But.... you're three. It's time. Also, real hot moments when it's time to stop watching Muppet Babies and go downstairs for dinner. Whoa nelly. The pure, unadulterated rage of a Charles denied his due portion of Muppet Babies!

Plans: Will, Irina, and Clara are coming for Christmas, and then on the 26th we are flying to Houston to see Nana and Grandpa. Busy busy days.