Monday, March 14, 2022


We are in Marblehead for Spring Break, and your Ama and PopPop are here. It's been a banner visit already so far, with your dad and your uncle's birthday, and your first trip to candlepin bowling with your godlessparents, and most importantly - your first dinner at Maddie's. Slowly the world is seeming to be a bit safer, and so I am putting myself in deep denial over how afraid I still am and we are starting to take you places. This afternoon you will even go over to a friend's house.

But first, I am informed that you made your first persuasive argument this morning. You awoke wanting to play in the bathtub with your dad. Your dad, reasonably for an adult, thought you should go to the bathroom and stop for coffee first. You apparently conceded the toilet point, but then said that you and dad should take a bath first while the coffee cools down, because it's too hot to drink right away. Your dad was so impressed that he caved. Well done Succotash!

Also last night we were playing with some pirate hats Ama brought in honor of my finishing a book draft. We were assigning everyone different jobs on board the ship, rotating who would be captain. Me? Jenny? "Are you my lieutenant?" I asked you. "Yes, I leftenant," you said. "And PopPop can be bosun," I said. PopPop asked you what the bosun did. You said, and I am not kidding, "Take care of the boat." 

I actually have no idea where you learned that.

Crafty toddler.

You are up in the tub right now, and I am doing dishes and making coffee, and in one month you will be two and a half.

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