Monday, January 27, 2020


I'm sorry for missing a few days, Succotash, but I am pretty tired. You, being a precocious sort, have entered your four month sleep regression a couple of weeks early. Combine that with Mama's rearing anxiety over Manamana's return to Florida on Wednesday, making Mama an insomniac for the past three or four days, mean that Mama is a zombie. But I still love you.

You are smiley and have already blown past the 9 month size onesies I bought for you last week. I love feeling your body relax against mine when I take you from someone and you are crying. There are some times when I can't soothe you, but it's very rare.

When you are asleep, I miss you and look at pictures of you on my phone.

Recently you have seemed to be growing so big and so fast that I paged through photos the doula took of you being born, and reflected on how tiny and new you were, and how amazed I was that you were there, at last, after all those years of waiting to meet you. And now, getting to know your personality so far - good natured, watchful and quiet at parties and gatherings, affectionate, easygoing with the dog, less easy going with new people than you were, curious, fascinated with light and movement and books. A real person.

Tomorrow you are 16 weeks old.

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